They Named it Deer Harbor


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This is a printed photo-copy version of Edith McLachlan’s book.

Covering the Period of 1852 to 1912 by Edith McLachlan


In 1961 the Ladies Auxiliary of the Deer Harbor Community Club chose a committee to write the history of the club. This history has been compiled in a book to be kept for future generations.

I was a member of that committee. Although having spent most of my life in Deer Harbor, I discovered, while gathering information for the Community Club book, much fascinating history of this area that I had not known before. New people settled in our midst and old timers passed away. Old history is being lost while new is being made. For my own personal enjoyment, I decided to continue to do some more research on the history of Deer Harbor.

People who now come to Orcas Island and to Deer Harbor to work or vacation or to make their homes often ask, “Who were the first settlers in this area? How and when did they come? And how did they make a living?” Deer Harbor, like most places, had been settled for a reason. In an effort to get answers to these questions and to find more about the history of this area, I requested information from the children of pioneers who had homesteaded in Deer Harbor. The information in this book is from the people whose ancestors lived, experienced or had contact with the early life of this area. Their answers made me even more aware than ever of the heritage which should be recorded and retained for future generations. This book is the result.

I express a gracious thank you to all who have shared their experiences in this way with me.

– Edith McLachlan


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